Backward Mutters
Backward Mutters Podcast
Behold, the Chickadee

Behold, the Chickadee

after Job 40:15

Today’s poem is one I wrote several years ago while preaching through the book of Job. When the Lord cross-examines Job at the end of the book, He shows Job the scope of his sovereignty over creation, whether good and bad. One of those “bads” is Behemoth. I have my thoughts on who, or rather what, Behemoth is, but the Lord’s introduction to Behemoth is what caught me. Job 40:15 reads, “Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you…”

About that same time, I was sitting on our back deck working, and I got to thinking of these bad beasts and the monsters of life. While I was thinking I noticed a chickadee busily flying back and forth to the feeder. I learned from my friends Michael and Hazel that Chickadees are known for being curious. If you’re walking through the woods, a chickadee is likely the first bird you’ll come across. They are tiny birds, but there is a largeness about them. Several years ago Michael wrote a suite of piano instrumentals titled, Bird Songs.

At a debut of the music and the accompanying wildlife photography photographed by his wife, Hazel. I learned how to recognize the chickadee’s song. Which sounds like, chicka-dee-dee-dee.

You can listen to Michael Kuehn’s Avian Suite of Piano solos, Bird Songs, on all the streaming platforms, and there’s an accompanying book of Hazel’s bird photography available for purchase on Amazon.

So, to bring this all back together, when you’re faced with the beasts of life and the monsters of this world, know that the Lord has power over them, but also, if you’re able, Behold, the chickadee.

My friend Michael Kuehn and his wife Hazel will be presenting their multi-media work, Bird Songs, on Monday, September 23 at the Walkertown Public Library at 6:00pm. You may download your own copy of Birds Songs from Michael’s Bandcamp page HERE, and you may listen via the player below.

Behold, the chickadee 
Which God made as He
Made you and me 
The smallest of beasts
But whose song is large
Among those creatures who sing,
Whose voice in the morning rings
From the tree, tree, tree.

God’s monochrome rover,
He flits back and over
Flies back and over and over again
Between the limb where he sits,
Between the feeder and me,
Where I stop, nod, and smile
At him as I sit in the sun
Sipping tea, tea, tea.

Capped in black, winter’s for him.
He does not flee the cold
But settles in with the others:
Titmouse, Junco, and Towhee.
And here he welcomes,
Wakens my world to eternity
With bird-song cries of,
Holy! Holy! Holy!
The Lord’s curious cherub
Chickadee, dee, dee.

© Randall Edwards 2021, alt. 2024

linocut: ink on paper, Randy Edwards

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Backward Mutters
Backward Mutters Podcast
At Backward Mutters I'll be posting thoughts on various topics of personal interest which will likely be limited to poetry, C.S. Lewis, and Jesus because, try as I may, I can't stop talking about either.
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